A month ago, I had a meltdown. While folding yet another load of laundry, tears streamed down my face and I pathetically exclaimed
“I feel so lonely!” Everyday was just like the day before: feed, entertain, nap, pump, repeat. Day in, day out. It felt like the movie Groundhog’s Day. I couldn’t stand it anymore and needed to take action. So the next night, I went on a hunt...for new friends. I combed through the Full House Moms and Dads blog and sent out an email to a handful of twin parents. Since then we’ve had three lunchtime gatherings. Today we hosted and baked a marionberry pie from Grand Central Bakery (yums).
It’s so nice to hang out with other twin parents and compare notes and stories. I found out that you can buy formula coupons on eBay! We also share a lot of the same stories like inhaling our dinner over the kitchen sink. Adriana said she throws back an Ensure when time is limited.
Love it! Here are two lovely ladies and babies from today’s meetup.
Kathleen with Stephanie and Max (13 Weeks) |
Adriana |