Monday, October 18, 2010

6 Months and SFBFF

The twins turned 6 months old on Friday. It feels like they’ve been with us forever. 

I’m guessing the babies are 1 month old (right photos)
We had a great date night with one of our BFFs from San Francisco on Saturday. Brian and I have known each other since we were sixteen years old. We met in high school art class. Everytime I hear a Depeche Mode song, I think of him (ha!). Brian went to prom with my sister and wore a pink cummerbund. When we lived in San Francisco, I would grab him and sneak to McDonald’s for dinner when Dominic was out of town. Needless to say, we love him and could dedicate an entire blog to this man.

Brian was great with the babies. He stole our filthy car and vacuumed and cleaned it. So thoughtful and appreciated since we don’t have time for such things.

How do new parents whoop it up? Dinner at Ping, video games at Ground Kontrol (for the record, I am still the Centipede Queen) and dessert at Voo Doo Donuts.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Uncle Brian in da house

on SE Division St.

Uncle Brian is in town. First things first—accessorize with a baby (Luca) and head out for coffee. We hope to have a fun week with Brian.

Friday, October 8, 2010

This is Ruby’s puzzled look before she recognized me and did her popcorn jumps.

Our new nanny, Celina, started yesterday morning. She documented all of the day’s happenings in a white binder. I flipped through the binder and read over each baby’s feeds, appetites, diapers and naps. The binder also contained important emergency contact info and a quick medical cheat sheet. Pretty thorough, eh?

One of the pluses of have a nanny is you (the parent) can finally have some time to yourself—whatever your little heart wants for the next four glorious hours. So Dominic took Ruby and met me for lunch. We headed to the Carts and got fish and chips. Then Dominic and Ruby headed to Laurelhurst Park to sniff some dog butt.

I’m pretty happy with myself for finding our new nanny in record time. I’m going to pat myself on the back for this one!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Monday, October 4, 2010

Three Strikes

Strike One:
On Saturday, we (including Ruby) went to our first pumpkin patch on Sauvie Island. We thought it was a perfect day to go—so did hundreds of other Portlanders. The fog was just starting to burn off when we got there. After only ten minutes, we had to unexpectedly leave with no pumpkins in hand. Ruby’s muzzle puffed up and started to bleed. A few days earlier, she was bit by another Boston Terrier (nasty little bitch) on our after-dinner walk. Dominic ended up taking her to the vet to have it examined and cleaned.

Luca is having a blast.

Ruby recovering from her visit to the vet.

Strike Two:
On Sunday, we all got dolled up and headed to Hawthorne’s Red Light (clothing store) to get our photos taken in their black and white photobooth. We waited a half an hour until they opened only to find out that the photobooth was broken. Nice. We turned around and got ice cream. Defeated again.

On our way to Hawthorne Street

Strike Three:
Later in the day, we got a bomb dropped on us. Our nanny texted us to let us know she couldn’t be a nanny anymore because of health issues. Man, were we stunned! There went our afternoon plans to go see a movie, grab a bite to eat and simply hang out together! We were so looking forward to the break. Shit! There goes our weekly help! It took me so long to find a good nanny—I had to filter through so many yahoo applicants to find “the one”. Dominic and I ended up each digging deep and taking a shift with the babies.

On the Bright Side: 
Less than 2 hours after receiving our nanny’s text, a serendipitous nanny post showed up on Craigslist. We met with her that very evening and guess what? She’s mature, amazingly qualified, down to earth and available. Fingers-crossed, she can start this week once I talk to her references. 

For having a lot of crappy things happen this weekend, we sure got some great photos.