Milo and Luca have been really fun to hang out with lately. Part of it has to do with dropping their fourth nap which means their naps and playtimes are longer stretches. They are eating a lot of new foods. Lucky for us, they love their vegetables: kale, spinach, broccoli, sweet potato and zucchini. When we eat our dinner around the babies, they roll up in their walkers and stare up at us, begging for food. It’s funny, because we went from one baby (Ruby) to three babies hovering and begging for food.
Like many other twin parents, we live by a tight schedule and we also split up the baby duties. We take turns and do a shift so the other parent can have alone time. Dominic just went to jog at Forest Park with his free time. Here’s a sample of a typical weekend.
I wake and feeds the babies 6 oz. formula and a solid entré. Today it was yellow squash. Playtime includes reading, tummy time, walker time and Baby Signing Time.
Babies watch Thomas & Friends or Kipper after they guzzle down a 2 oz-er. Babies go down for their first nap. Usually 5 minutes of crying before they’re off to lala-land. I’m off duty at 10am.
Babies wake up to Dominic and are fed 6 oz. More baby activities. Dominic sings and plays his guitar while the babies chair dance in their bouncers. If it were summertime, an easy and fun activity would be a nice 30 minute walk around the neighborhood or up to Division Street. Now it’s a lot of effort to get the babies into their coats and walker.
Babies are fed 2 oz. before their second nap. At 1:30, I’m back on “duty” at 1:30, i.e. hanging out while they sleep.
Babies wake up. One of my favorite things to do is giving them baths. It eats up a lot of time and by this point, I’ve run out of new things to do. They love splashing in the water. Once a week, I sit in the bathtub and Dominic hands me a baby and we soak together. Most of the time, it’s faster to wash them in the baby tubs. Afterwards, the boys are very peaceful and sleep like rocks. A older hippie worker at Breitenbush Hot Springs once said it was the positive ions from the water that has a calming affect on babies. Dominic is back on duty at 5pm.
Our favorite parts of the day: Babies go down for their last nap. Namasté. We have 3 glorious, long hours of nothing. Usually, there’s dirty bottles to be washed. Onsies, towels and bibs to be folded. Internet surfing. Snuggle-time with Ruby.
*** Holy crap! I just realized they are 9 months old now!!! I use to be so on top of these little milestones. Amazing how time flies. When you’re raising children, a friend told me the days are long but the years are short. Clever and really true. Well, it’s 3:57pm and I need to wake up two little angels for their playtime. Below are some recent photos of their ever changing faces and bodies.
Luca watching Despicable Me. |
Milo baby |
The best shot of Luca’s two new teef |
Luca loves licking his two new teeth. |