Sunday, April 24, 2011

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Three Sisters hike

Sophia’s indentured servant. “My legs hurt!”

For much of the hike, Thu beared only the weight of  her camera bag.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Belated birthday celebration

We were bad parents. Wait. I take it back. We were exhausted, loving parents who forgot to celebrate their twins first birthday. It was nigh-night time (7:30pm) when we realized that we forgot to break out the birthday cakes. And at that point, we were not going to introduce them to their first taste of baby crack right before their bedtime (and our dinner break). Honestly, it hasn’t been feeling much like a vacation since the babies have been getting up at 12:30am (Luca) and 5am (Milo). We were moving the babies from room to room trying to figure out the best setup. At one point, Luca was in our room and once he realized we were just a few steps away, he milked it. This got him an instant upgrade to the our bed when we were sleepsitting. I think some of it can be blamed on the new environment and the elevation in Denver. On my second day, I felt like poop and puked twice. Not good.

So today we set them up next to each other at the dinner table, poised our iPhones and cameras and captured their first taste of chocolate. It was really precious how they each had their own way of handling and discovering it. Milo pounded and destroyed his cake. Luca was more precise on how he touched it. It was pure happiness to watch them.

Cousin Sophia did the honors of blowing out the candles.

Cousin Sophia exposing her armpit to Milo. She learned this from me (Aunt Tram).

Friday, April 15, 2011

Happy Birthday, Babies!

For their first birthday, we flew to see my sister and her family in Denver. It would be our first time meeting their baby boy, Rafe and their first time meeting Milo and Luca. We were excited to get all the cousins together and see how they would react to one another. 

It was the babies’ first time on airplanes. I honestly was pretty nervous about being confined to such a small space with a baby for 2.5 hours. I turn into Mr. Hyde as we are getting packed (always feels very last minute) and loaded (poor Dom). And how did the twins do? AMAZING! They were such little angels. Not one tear! I was so impressed (and proud) of my new traveling friends. It makes me excited to think we will be visiting Paris or Barcelona or Tokyo one day as a family. I can’t wait!

Luca snacking from a stranger’s hand. Just kidding. It’s his “dad-dah.”

Some light reading

Luca falls asleep 5 minutes before touchdown.

How sweet is this? Legs crossed,  holding hands.

Milo’s first trip to Whole Foods with Mom, Aunt Thu, Sophia and Rafe.

Mom promised Luca a separate trip to the grocery store.

I want THAT one, mama!

Patiently waiting for their balloons

Sophia and I were laughing hysterically because the balloons were so big (3 ft. in diameter). I had to duck below the balloons to steer between the narrow aisle.

Rafe reaching for Sophia’s birthday balloon.