Thursday: Lasik
Friday: Pediatrician
Saturday: Pediatric Urgent Care
I did it! Finally, after many years of yearning, I got Lasik surgery on my eyes. It was so quick. I got to see the doctor flip up my corneas. Surreal. And I got a whiff of my burning flesh for a split second. Gross. It is amazing to see this clear without glasses/contacts.
Luca was stumbling around like a drunk person. His body was still warm so Dominic kindly took him to the pediatrician while I watched Milo. It’s so easy having just one baby! I get singleton-envy every once in a while. I adore my baby boys–I just wish somethings were effortless (ha!). Luca passed with flying colors. I thought at the very least, he might have an ear infection, which would explain the fever. Nope. Nothing. Of course, we noticed these red splotchy marks on the side of his temple after the appointment.
On Saturday, Dominic and I butted heads, because I was starting to freak out about Luca’s rash which had spread to the back of his neck. Luca was scratching his head too. Dominic was on his way to watch his beloved Messi whoop up on Rooney and I guess this game was a big deal.
I was partly freaking out because we chose to be on a delayed immunization plan and also the thought of traveling with two infants to the doctor’s office terrified me. The rash had also spread to his entire stomach area and looked crazy freaky. I felt terrible thinking I put my babies at risk for not getting him that vaccine earlier. We drove to Hillsboro to the Pediatric Urgent Care and luckily Luca’s rash was a side effect of his fever. The friendly doctor said one good sign was when he pressed on the rash and it turned white. Also measles have a dark spot in the center. Whoosh! I couldn't imagine having two scratchy sick babies.
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