Monday, October 24, 2011

Boogie Town

Milo and Luca hear their father playing his guitar downstairs and they let loose.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


I have three precious Dala horses from our Christmas Scandinavia trip in 2009. The horses sat on my shelf collecting dust until just the other day when the twins were hovering below. I thought they wanted their Thomas Tank Engine (which was in detention for denting our hardwood floors). After a few minutes of frustration, Milo made the sign for horse. Oh, my God. They wanted my Dala horses!!! For being so brilliant, I happily gave them my prized possessions, which Milo and Luca promptly banged against the TV screen and chewed on the horse legs. It mademe smile. Little things like that make me realize what true happiness is—experiences NOT things.

Pumpkin Patch at Sauvie Island


Milo, fascinated by the soft, tire-tracked soil

Dominic and Luca
Tram and Milo