Thursday, January 20, 2011

Dom, as in Domperidone

Today, I’m taking my last four pills of Domperidone (not to be confused with Dom Pérignon). After that, I will let nature take it’s course. I’m guessing my milk supply will drop even more and my breasts will shrink to their pre-babies, raisin size.

To be honest, I’m saddened by the thought of it’s end. I actually loved breastfeeding the twins. My mother scared me into thinking it was dreadfully painful. It wasn’t. I want to compare it to having a leach on your skin—you don’t feel a thing except gentle tugging.

Luca has outgrown it for a while now. Before, I would have to schedule it when he was really tired and couldn’t fight back or bite (usually at the 10:30pm feed). Milo on the other hand was always game. It really was cute how Milo would open his little mouth like a baby bird when I pulled up my top. Anytime I had knots or plugged ducts, he was my Go-To Guy. I loved how they would play with my armpit or shirt sleeve while nibbling away. So sweet.

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